On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to Let Go Of Perfect and Create Your Own Rules For Life

Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

The Art Of Lament

I recently learned the definition of lament: GIVING VOICE to pain and sadness. In a VOCAL, PHYSICAL way. Not with the intent to try and fix the pain or make it go away - just to give it voice. As soon as I heard that definition, I thought about giving voice to our joy and pleasure and wonder as well - and the vulnerability that comes along with that.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Forgiving Yourself For Past Mistakes

Last fall I made a decision I totally regretted - and that decision impacted me in a big way. After it happened, my inner critic swooped in IMMEDIATELY, chastising me by saying: How could you have made this decision? You should have known better than to do this! Here is the mindset flip that helped me to forgive myself, learn, and move on.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Giving Yourself Permission For Joy

On Sunday I put the finishing touches on my patio -- hanging twinkly lights. While I was hanging them, a neighbor stopped by and asked if I was having a party. My response? "No - just me!" The only reason for these lights was joy. MY joy.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Who Are You Becoming?

A few weeks ago, I was casually walking around the lake when I saw two runners jaunting towards me. A man and a woman, probably in their 30s. As they passed, I heard the man say to the woman: "If you do something enough, it's going to become part of you, whether you like it or not." SERIOUS WISDOM BOMB DROP.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Permission To Rest

Last week I had conversations with two different women on the same day that were exact carbon copies of each other. What were they about? Giving yourself permission to rest over the holidays when you feel like you “should” be productive.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Five Steps To Let Go Of Perfectionism

Feeling like you constantly have to work harder and do more can lead to burnout. Worrying about making a mistake can cause stress and anxiety. All the pressure you're putting on yourself to be successful is a weight on your shoulders, dragging you down. Here are 5 steps you can use today to let go of perfectionism and feel FREE.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

The Key To Dealing With Big Emotions (and the little ones too)

On Saturday I had the time to feel for the first time in a long time. And A LOT came up I wasn't expecting. During these past few months, I've tried to give myself the space to journal and feel my emotions as they came up, but, honestly, I didn't really have time.

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