Communicating with…

Confidence, Power, and Presence

New course to increase authority, expand influence, and create impact!!

Does this sound like you?

Have you ever gotten feedback that you're too direct? Or that you need to speak up and be more confident? Or work on your executive presence?

Or all three!?!?

Are you ever afraid of saying the wrong thing, making a mistake, or getting a question you don't know the answer to if you share a new idea?

Do you question whether you know enough or have enough experience to speak up?

Do you ever second-guess yourself after you speak up or ruminate on what you wish you'd said - or wish you hadn't said?

Do you worry about what people will think and filter your voice past the point of simple emotional intelligence?

Do you want to share your voice with greater confidence?

Maybe even feel POWERFUL sharing your voice?

You're not alone.

Almost every woman I talk to has experienced some kind of barrier in sharing her voice -- and nearly every woman I talk to wants to share her voice and create greater impact in a way that is authentic and powerful to HER.

You've come to the right place.

The brand-new four-week course on Communicating with Confidence, Power, and Presence will show you how to get through doubt and imposter syndrome and teach you strategies to share your voice and get heard so you can share ideas, advocate for your career development, influence without authority, challenge and disagree when needed, and make a difference.

Program kicks off October 30th!

Course Overview

Week One: Overcoming Doubt & Imposter Syndrome

You’ll walk away from our first class knowing how to identify when doubt and imposter syndrome are holding you back — and with tools to quiet the inner critic and find the courage to speak up when you don’t feel totally confident.

Week Two: Discovering Your Authentic Style

You don’t have to change who you are to get heard. Your natural strengths are where you create the most impact! This week is all about uncovering that special sauce so you can get heard in a way that is both authentic and effective.

Week Three: Tapping Into Your Grounded Confidence

Grounded confidence is powerful - and it’s a confidence nobody can take away. You’ll learn practices to calm nerves and anxiety so you can show up and create impact. People can’t help but listen when you speak with this kind of confidence!

Week Four: Strategies to Get Heard

For our final class, we’ll dive into strategies to get heard in meetings (virtual, in-person, and hybrid), tools to influence without authority, tactics to ensure your words convey confidence, and methods to adapt your style and get results without losing your authenticity.

You’ll Get:

  • Four 60-minute live teaching calls (11:00am-12:00pm mountain time on 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, and 11/20)

  • Recordings of all calls if you miss a class - or want to watch it again!

  • Private community to connect with other participants, share ideas, get your questions answered, and discuss application of the tools

  • High-impact, targeted exercises to increase your confidence and presence

  • Optional coaching: For an additional fee, get two 45-minute, 1:1 coaching sessions with Heather to personalize the tools to YOU and get coaching on applying the strategies to your unique role and challenges.

Sign up now!

Option #1:

Course Only

Total fee: $295

Sign Up Now!

Option #2:

Course + Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Total fee: $695

Sign Up Now!

IMPORTANT: After you click on the orange “Sign up now” button and enter your name and email, go to the top of the page and click on the cart icon to complete your registration.

Course fee is payable by all major credit cards.

Email me at with any questions or if you’d like to enroll several people from your organization and prefer an invoice for payment.

Hi! I’m Heather

For over ten years I worked at Cargill and Ameriprise in HR, leadership development, and change management roles at corporate headquarters, production facilities, and offices in the U.S. and Australia. I managed development programs specifically for high-achieving women. After I started my business, I coached and presented to women across a huge variety of roles and companies.

Everywhere I went, I saw the same story: Amazing women who questioned themselves. Who felt like they could never disappoint anyone. Who believed they had to make everything perfect and prove themselves again and again. Who worried about being too direct - while at the same time needing to be seen as confident. Who felt like they didn't know enough to share their great idea or go for the promotion, even though they were highly qualified.

It wasn't just them. I felt it myself too. And I wanted to do something about it.

I’m on a mission to empower women to live, work, and lead with grounded confidence - and to break the rules and expectations that lead us AWAY from that confidence.

I do that through speaking at women’s conferences and events, executive coaching, and leadership development programs and courses like this one. I’m also the author of two award-winning books, An Overachiever’s Guide to Breaking the Rules and Grounded Wildness: Break Free from Performing Your Life and Start Living It. I live in Colorado - and I LOVE Colorado! I hike and explore as much as possible. You can find the full download about my background on the About Page.


I share my voice with more confidence at work - and I get recognized for it. I've learned I can be authentic and powerful at the same time.”

— Meg Ryan, Executive Director and CFO of Consumer & Commercial Banking, Ally Financial, coaching client

"Heather recently led a program on Authentic Voice for us. It was outstanding! I've heard so many positive comments from participants! What's more, participants reported greater confidence, speaking up more often, and even applying for promotions as a direct result of this program."

— Sarah Moran, former Learning & Development Manager, The Toro Company

“There were so many "a-ha" moments in Heather’s keynote on Discovering Your Authentic Voice. I was flooded with positive feedback from employees after her session, with people saying that It really made difference and left the session feeling better prepared to contribute, connect and deliver for their team and themselves."

— Revthi Lakhole Singh, Systems Integration Specialist, Motorola Solutions

"What I'm taking away from this program are three words: Free. Confident. Happy. I apologize less and live more."

— Nina, past program participant

Heather helped me find my footing and build confidence in my new role. Her guidance has been instrumental in my journey as a changemaker, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone looking to transform their leadership and drive real, positive change.”

— Carliss Miller, PhD, Corporate DEI Leader, coaching client

I highly recommend Heather as a speaker for any organization looking to inspire their team to let go of perfectionism, find their authentic voice, and reach their full potential.

— Emily Honerbrink, Women in STEM network chair, Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.

“It was incredible to see the vulnerability our employees shared BECAUSE of the brave and open space Heather immediately created with the group. In our post-event survey, 100% of employees said they plan to use the tools from the session in their ongoing development!ent!"

— Sarah Strehl, Chief Human Resources Office, ECMC Group

“Within three weeks after the event, two women in the group applied for senior roles and directly attributed the imposter syndrome session in their decision to apply.”

— Lisa Propati, VP and General Manager, Promach


  • Communicating with Confidence, Power, and Presence is for woman and non-binary individuals at all ages and stages of your career. If you connect with what's on this page about the program - then the program is for you!

  • Yes, absolutely! Many companies sponsor employees for programs like this. I encourage you to talk to your manager about getting reimbursed for the course fee. Share this webpage with them so they understand what the course is about and why it's valuable for your career development.

  • It's awesome when companies sponsor programs like this -- and you are also allowed to invest in your own development! In fact, I've often seen when women make the decision the invest in themselves, they throw themselves in the program and get SO MUCH out of it. YOU are worthy of your own investment!

  • Each call will be held over Zoom. I promise, each session will be engaging and interactive! You'll be doing activities during the calls, we'll use the chat, and there will be time for open Q&A. There won't be any breakout rooms and turning on your video is optional!

  • No problem! All calls will be recorded and posted in our private community space. You'll also be able to ask me questions in the community space, so you will feel supported even if you have to miss a session.

  • One-on-one coaching is a great option if you want to dive deeper and get personalized attention to apply the tools we're discussing in the course to your role and unique challenges. Common coaching conversations include: customized strategies to get through doubt and fear in the exact way it shows up for you, prepping for a meeting or presentation to senior leaders, laying out a plan for a tough conversation, and debriefing situations where you used your voice so you can learn and get even better the next time around. You'll get two, 45-minute calls with me and you have until the end of January 2025 to use both of them, so we can schedule a call AFTER the program so you can get support in trying out all the new tools and strategies you'll learn in the course.

  • Yes! I often facilitate leadership development programs inside of organizations. Send me an email at and we can set up a call to talk further.