Who Are You Becoming?


I often walk around Lake McIntosh, a beautiful reservoir near where I live. It's filled with great-blue herons and white pelicans (who knew there were pelicans in Colorado?!? Not me!).

Prairie dogs run around one side of the lake, perching up on their heels to squeal at each other, wagging their little black tails, munching on grass, and generally doing a million things that always make me laugh.

The whole reservoir overlooks the foothills and snow-capped mountains to the west, with the giant 14,259 foot Longs Peak presiding over them all.

A few weeks ago, I was casually walking around the lake when I saw two runners jaunting towards me. A man and a woman, probably in their 30s.

As they passed, I heard the man say to the woman:

"If you do something enough, it's going to become part of you, whether you like it or not."


I have no idea if they were talking about careers or their free time or relationships, but what he said was pure truth. What you do, how you spend our time and energy, and who you spend it with all become a part of who you are.

So what are you doing?

Do you like that it's becoming a part of you?

Or is it time for a change?

This DEFINITELY goes for career and friendships and hobbies and community involvement -- but it also goes for how you spend your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.

I so often hear from women that you feel like you have to be responsible for EVERYTHING. Take care of EVERYONE. Can't disappoint ANYONE. Have to be productive ALL THE TIME.

(BTW....If you're new to my blogs, know this is NOT YOUR FAULT. These are the messages you get about what it means to be a good woman, mother, employee, leader, friend, daughter -- from the day you were born until right now.)

Those beliefs lead to overdoing, people-pleasing, trying to perfect and make everything successful, and constantly proving yourself.

Is this working for you?

Or do you want to break free from these rules, release that pressure, reconnect to the person you REALLY are, and LIVE YOUR TRUTH?

The second option is exactly what my book, An Overachiever’s Guide To Breaking The Rule: How To Let Go Of Perfect and Live Your Truth, is all about.

I'll take you step-by-step through understanding the rules you're following now and how to break free from them so you can slow down, reclaim joy, and redefine success on YOUR terms.

I've had multiple people tell me this book changed their life. It feels weird and kind of arrogant to say that, but I'm sharing it because I want everyone who could benefit from this book to get it in their hands.

And you don't have to take my word for it. You can read a sample of the book on my website. There are also a bunch of reviews on Amazon if you want to get a better idea of what people took away from the book.

So spend your time and energy in a way that aligns with the core of who you are - as opposed to what you “should” do. Break the rules and become the person you want to be. The person you already are.


Giving Yourself Permission For Joy


Micro-Rejections + Embracing The Awkward