A New Way To Take Control When Everything Feels Out of Control

One of the women in my recent self-care for overachievers webinar shared that she noticed herself perfecting and overdoing more right now because that's where she gained a sense of control.

Can you relate?

A few other people on the call definitely did!

It's like this: Everything feels so out of control that you grasp at what you CAN control by doing more and making it all as perfect and beautiful and high quality as humanly possible, whether that means preparing for hours and getting totally overwrought about a presentation at work or coordinating every single matching detail of your daughter's virtual birthday party.

I get it. We've gone through so much uncertainty for so long that we're all searching for places we can have control. Perfecting and overdoing is one way to do that.

But there's another way to gain control: SAYING NO and DOING LESS.

It's interesting that so many of us default to OVERDOING when you feel out of control, when saying no and doing less is actually WAY MORE POWERFUL.

So let's flip the script on control. Instead of perfecting and putting more pressure on yourself to do everything and do it all well when things get chaotic, stop and ask yourself:

Where can you take back control by doing LESS? Where can you say no?

What's REALLY important and leads to the life you desire and how you want to feel?

As one over-doer to another, let me tell you that saying yes to everything does NOT lead to the life you desire and how you want to feel.

Saying yes to everything, feeling like everything has to be perfect and successful, and feeling guilty anytime you give even one percent less than your best only leads to stress, exhaustion, and burnout.

So start flipping the script on control. Take back your power by experimenting with saying no and doing less.

If even the thought of saying no or doing less is super uncomfortable (or downright terrifying!), then I want you to know about Beyond Perfect, my 3-month small group coaching program just for women to let go of proving, pleasing, and perfecting. Registration is launching the week of March 8, 2021 - and should launch again in the fall if you’re reading this blog later! Scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your name and email to be the first to find out about Beyond Perfect (and get 10 scripts to say no without apologizing!).


Finding Power In Saying No


Letting Yourself Be Seen In The Messy Middle