Giving Yourself Permission To Be Judged

Several weeks ago I was in a meeting with a woman about a potential speaking engagement at her company. As we were talking, she mentioned that she had been saying no and setting boundaries a lot more recently.

As we all know, saying no and setting boundaries can be hard. So I asked her, "What's helping you to do that?"

Here was her amazing response:

I had to give myself permission to be judged.


Think about it....

What would you do if you gave yourself permission to be judged?

What would you say no to?

What would say yes to?

What idea would you share?

What would you speak up about?

What would you do differently in your life if you gave yourself permission to be judged?

I also want to be clear -- typically people aren't judging nearly as much as we think they are.

Most of the time, people are thinking way more about themselves (and whether they will be judged!), than they are judging you for your decisions.

That's true - and we also know judgment is definitely out there.

There will be people who judge what you do with your life, whether that's something as small as saying no to a dinner party invite or as big as leaving your job to take risk on something completely different.

So what if you just let that go and gave yourself permission to be judged by them?

What if you listened to your own knowing and made decisions based on what you know in your core is right for you, instead of decisions based on the fear of what other people might think?

Doesn't that feel like freedom?

So go ahead, try it on! Give yourself permission to be judged.

Do you have a hard time saying no? Get my Ultimate Guide To Saying No At Work below!


When To Listen To Feedback - And When To Throw It Out The Window


Finding The Motivation To Say No