On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to Let Go Of Perfect and Create Your Own Rules For Life

Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Giving Yourself Permission To Be Judged

There will be people who judge what you do with your life, whether that's something as small as saying no to a dinner party invite or as big as leaving your job to take risk on something completely different.

So what if you just let that go and gave yourself permission to be judged by them?

What if you listened to your own knowing and made decisions based on what you know in your core is right for you, instead of decisions based on the fear of what other people might think?

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

How To Let Go Of Criticism

You know when criticism sticks in your head and swirls around and around, creating a ruminating split pea soup of toxicity? We've all been there. It's NOT fun. So what can you do about it? Here are two practices to help stop the toxic swirl and move forward.

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