On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to Let Go Of Perfect and Create Your Own Rules For Life

Goals, Inspiration, Mindfulness, Perfectionism Heather Whelpley Goals, Inspiration, Mindfulness, Perfectionism Heather Whelpley

Instead of resolutions, Ask Yourself these Four questions

It's that time of year again. When the new year's resolutioning kicks into high gear, you start seeing nonstop ads for gyms and weight-loss solutions, and you feel the pressure (and sometimes real desire!) to improve every aspect of your life.

There's nothing innately wrong with using the energy of the new year to make changes. I've spent many hours over the past few weeks both reflecting on 2022 and visioning for 2023 - and I'm excited to move towards that vision and do some things differently this coming year.

I also know it can be a lot. The motivation to change can turn into the weight to change which can morph into the inner critic punishing you for NOT doing the change perfectly pretty darn quickly.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Giving Yourself Permission To Be Judged

There will be people who judge what you do with your life, whether that's something as small as saying no to a dinner party invite or as big as leaving your job to take risk on something completely different.

So what if you just let that go and gave yourself permission to be judged by them?

What if you listened to your own knowing and made decisions based on what you know in your core is right for you, instead of decisions based on the fear of what other people might think?

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Inspiration, Mindfulness, Finding Yourself Heather Whelpley Inspiration, Mindfulness, Finding Yourself Heather Whelpley

Finding The Motivation To Say No

“How did you find the motivation to start saying no?” The answer to this one came to me immediately: I didn't want to keep dealing with the consequences of saying yes FAR too often. I didn't want to be tired the rest of my life. I didn't want to be resentful for taking on work that paid me less than I was worth. That was my initial motivation. I wanted to get rid of the consequences of over-yessing. Over time, though, the motivation started to include what I DESIRED from saying no. Because there are SO MANY benefits of saying no.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

The Problem With Self-Help For Women

I loved Untamed, but as I thought back on the book and all the self-help geared towards women, I realized most of them had one thing in common: The turning point in a woman's life hinged on falling in love or, even more so, having children. This realization made me MAD. On a deep, deep level.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Three Steps To Recover From Burnout

You're probably burned out right now. I don't know how you couldn't be feeling it at least a little - the last year and a half has been EXHAUSTING. And, let's face it, you were probably burned out before 2020. Now it's at a whole other level. This is why I decided to create this three part video series on the Three Steps To Recover From Burnout.

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