Three Steps To Recover From Burnout

You're probably burned out right now. I don't know how you couldn't be feeling it at least a little - the last year and a half has been EXHAUSTING. And, let's face it, you were probably burned out before 2020. Now it's at a whole other level.

This is why I decided to create this three part video series on the Three Steps To Recover From Burnout.

There's no magic bullet to recover from burnout, but these steps will help you start the journey -- and they get to the root cause of burnout so that you can STAY recovered.

I can say this with confidence because these are the steps that worked for me.

They are also the steps I've been teaching in webinars I've facilitated this past year on wellness & self-care in the new normal. Over a thousand people have gotten these steps because I've spoken at their company.

But I didn't want these steps to only be available to people who work for companies that can bring in a speaker like me. I wanted them to be available to everyone.

The first video is all about re-writing the rules you've been taught.

You know...those rules that tell say you have to be productive all the time, can't say no or disappoint anyone, or that it's selfish to take time for yourself?

Yep. Those rules.

You're going to identify the rules you've been following - and choose a new set of rules that will help you to recover from burnout and FEEL GOOD.

We'll also dive into a tiny bit of the science behind burnout and the signs of burnout (which go WAY beyond just being tired).

Watch it now:

Now that you've watched the first video, CLICK HERE to get access to the videos on the second and third steps:

  1. The key to releasing stress

  2. Setting boundaries and saying no

You'll also get my guide on Ten Ways To Say No Without Apologizing. These are actual scripts you can adapt and use with your boss, friends, and family to say no more often so that you can have more space and free time in your life.

It is a journey to recovery, but that journey can start now. You deserve this!


When To Be Productive - And When To Let Go


To The Trail