On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to let go of perfect and create your own rules for life

Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

What To Do When You Feel Behind

This isn’t about what to do when you feel behind on your to-do list — it’s about what to do when you feel behind in your career, business, or life as a whole. This video will walk through four key tips to remind yourself of the progress you’ve made and reconnect to what’s most important. You’ll also get one final tip on what to do when something really is important and you’re not making the progress you’d like.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Release the Internal Pressure Valve With This One Question

Are you feeling the weight of expectations? Like you are constantly “on” and have to work all the time? Do you put undue pressure on yourself to perform? If so, this video is for you. I’ll share ONE question to ask yourself to decrease stress and save yourself time and energy.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Three Steps To Recover From Burnout

You're probably burned out right now. I don't know how you couldn't be feeling it at least a little - the last year and a half has been EXHAUSTING. And, let's face it, you were probably burned out before 2020. Now it's at a whole other level. This is why I decided to create this three part video series on the Three Steps To Recover From Burnout.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

To The Trail

My friend Lauren says, "the trail provides." Although I've always loved to hike, I don't think I fully, deeply understood what this meant until this past year. The trail has become my salvation. The place I go to find myself, to find my spirit. The second I set foot on the trail, my soul is free.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Feeling Overwhelmed? This May Be The Surprising Culprit

I've been feeling really overwhelmed the past few weeks. I'll admit - I was a little puzzled about it. Work had been busy and I'd had about a week and a half where I'd overcommitted myself, but nothing too extreme. I kept pondering. Puzzling. And then I realized the exact cause: I HAVE A LIFE AGAIN.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Everything Feeling Blah? Here’s What To Do

Last week I was EXHAUSTED. I rallied for coaching calls and the webinars I facilitated (one of which, ironically, was on managing your energy!), but then I crashed. This wasn't exhaustion from lack of sleep - it's emotional exhaustion from the entire last year. It's burnout. Here are my top four tips to manage burnout right now.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Letting Yourself Be Seen In The Messy Middle

I used to feel most of my big emotions in private. I'd cry on my own. Wallow solo with wine and ice cream and the Hallmark channel. Sob within the safe confines of my condo. And THEN I'd talk to my friends or family. AFTER the messy middle. When I could constructively share my emotions without actually SHOWING them. No more.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

How To Prevent Burnout This Year

Yesterday I woke up feeling like my legs were made of lead weights adhered to the mattress. I'm tired. But I'm not burned out. Not yet. And I don't want to be. So this year, in 2021, I'm going to take a breath. I have no big, audacious goals for the year. Not one.

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