How To Prevent Burnout This Year

When my alarm clock went off yesterday morning, I was in deep sleep. I woke up in a fog. I felt like my legs were made of lead weights adhered to my mattress. So much so that I laid in bed for another 15 minutes before I felt like I could even move.

I'd been asleep for eight and a half hours. And I'd slept for eight and a half hours the night before as well.

I wasn't sick. I was just TIRED.

I thought my tiredness was from moving the week before and while I'm sure that was part of it, I also realized something yesterday.

I have been in transition for two years.

Very physical, literal transition -- as in, I've had EIGHT addresses in the last two years (FYI...I would NOT recommend this!)

In that same time period, I've put a bunch of REALLY BIG new stuff out into the world, like launching my coaching program, Beyond Perfect, and publishing my book, An Overachiever's Guide To Breaking The Rules.

And I moved from Minnesota to Colorado.

And we've been in a global pandemic for one of those two years.

So, yeah. I'm tired.

But I'm not burned out. Not yet. And I don't want to be.

So this year, in 2021, I'm going to take a breath.

I have no big, audacious goals for the year. Not one.

My intentions for this year are to go deeper into what I'm already doing. To experiment and play in small ways with what I'm putting out into the world. To give myself space to think and allow whatever is coming next to emerge.

And also to build relationships and community in Colorado. And hike and explore and maybe take guitar and singing lessons. And rest. Lots of rest.

If you have a big, audacious goal for 2021 - GO FOR IT. Follow your inspiration. Make a big change. Own your ambition and kill it out there.

And if 2021 is a year to rest, that's just as worthwhile.

There are seasons in our lives.

Seasons to go big and take huge leaps.

And seasons that are smaller and quieter.

We need both.

So listen to yourself about the season you are in. Go big if it's your season to go big -- and rest if it's your season to rest.

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Letting Yourself Be Seen In The Messy Middle


Amanda Gorman: Words To Live By