Micro-Rejections + Embracing The Awkward


I was listening Brené Brown's Dare To Lead podcast with Priya Parker this week and they touched on something I knew I had to share with you: MICRO-REJECTIONS.

I'd never thought this before, but as soon as Priya Parker said the word "micro-rejection" I knew exactly what she was talking about! Here's what they look like right now as we start to come back together...

👉You step in towards someone and they step back

👉You go in for a hug and see a funny look on the person's face so you abort the hug plan and just stand there unsure what to do

👉You invite a group of friends over and one person isn't ready to gather in groups yet and you know that's completely okay - and you're still kind of hurt

Anyone else experiencing these? I definitely am!

We've had all these rules for the last 15 months and now those rules are squishy and you don't always know who's been vaccinated and who hasn't and you're both craving hugs and gathering in groups and feeling uncertain and uncomfortable about the who, what, where, when, and how of all it.

It's all just WEIRD.

That's the only word I can think to describe where we're at right now.

I'm fully vaccinated and still wearing my mask inside stores, despite the messages telling me it's not particularly necessary.

A year ago it felt super uncomfortable to wear a mask -- and now it feels just as uncomfortable to take it off!

We didn't know how to go into a pandemic - and now we don't know how to come out of it.

There's really only one option -- EMBRACE THE AWKWARD.

It's going to be weird for awhile. We'll figure it out. Our comfort zones WILL reset to the new normal.

In the meantime, don't take those micro-rejections personally. They aren't about you. We're all figuring this out, one day at a time.


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