On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to Let Go Of Perfect and Create Your Own Rules For Life

Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Micro-Rejections + Embracing The Awkward

I was listening Brené Brown's Dare To Lead podcast with Priya Parker this week and they touched on something I knew I had to share with you: MICRO-REJECTIONS. Here’s what they look like as we start to come back together - and how to deal with them.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Living Alone During A Pandemic

I realized in that moment of disappointment that I hadn’t touched a single living thing in two weeks. No hugs. No handshakes. No simple touch of the arm. Nothing. That’s when the tears started.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

What To Do When So Much Feels Hard

I got on a call with my coach yesterday and started talking about something that I thought was completely unrelated to the pandemic - and then 50 minutes into our 60 minute call I broke down in tears because I missed people SO MUCH.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

It’s Time To Reassess Your Boundaries - Here’s How

You're seven months into Covid. A situation you probably never thought much about before it actually happened. And DEFINITELY a situation you never thought would still be going on and affecting your daily life. Now is the time to reassess. To set boundaries between your work and the rest of your life ON PURPOSE.

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