On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to Let Go Of Perfect and Create Your Own Rules For Life

Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

The Art Of Lament

I recently learned the definition of lament: GIVING VOICE to pain and sadness. In a VOCAL, PHYSICAL way. Not with the intent to try and fix the pain or make it go away - just to give it voice. As soon as I heard that definition, I thought about giving voice to our joy and pleasure and wonder as well - and the vulnerability that comes along with that.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Micro-Rejections + Embracing The Awkward

I was listening Brené Brown's Dare To Lead podcast with Priya Parker this week and they touched on something I knew I had to share with you: MICRO-REJECTIONS. Here’s what they look like as we start to come back together - and how to deal with them.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

My Favorite Brené Brown Quotes

Here are my favorite Brené Brown quotes set against photos I’ve taken over the past several years. Reading them reminds me to embrace vulnerability and feel deeply. They give me the courage to again bring my full self forward into the world. I hope they do the same for you.

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