Is it Imposter Syndrome? Or an Area You Really Need To Improve?

It's time for the next part in this series that's all about feedback, praise, criticism, and development planning!

This week addresses a question I get ALL THE TIME in my speaking engagements on imposter syndrome:

How do you know if it's an area you really need to improve or if it's just imposter syndrome?

Such a great question! Because it's true - imposter syndrome can straight up LIE to you and make you think that you need to improve in an area that's you're already just fine (or even great!) at.

AND - getting through imposter syndrome is not about believing you're great at everything and never need to improve. We all have areas we can work on.

So how do you know the difference?

Here's the answer: LOOK FOR THE REAL EVIDENCE.

Get all the details about how to look for the real evidence in this short video. It will help you decide where to focus your development energy and goals this year.


How To Let Go Of Criticism


The Secret About Feedback