On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to let go of perfect and create your own rules for life

Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Do you REALLY have to follow that rule?

Isn't it amazing when your dreams give you an exact message?

Last week mine gave me a reminder -- and it was one I knew I had to share with you.

So much so that I literally got out of bed and immediately wrote down almost all of this email!

In the dream, I was at a cabin in the summer and a big group of us was split into two teams to do a fun outdoor Olympics competition.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

A drill, procrastination, and doing it scared

Before last Thursday, I’d only used a drill once.

It happened ten years ago. The hole ended up bigger than anticipated and while it wasn’t disastrous, it didn’t make me particularly confident in my ability to use a drill again.

I avoided the drill for a decade…and then it came up again.

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

The Best Career Advice I’ve Ever Gotten

I was early in my corporate journey when I got the some of the best advice of my career.

A senior leader I was working with turned to me and said: "Heather, you have to know the rules of the game, but you don't have to play by them."

Which leads me to ask you....what rules of the game have you been handed that you don't have to play by?

What have you been told, directly or indirectly, about what makes you successful at work that you don't want to follow? Or maybe isn't even remotely true?

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Heather Whelpley Heather Whelpley

Is it Imposter Syndrome? Or an Area You Really Need To Improve?

How do you know if it's an area you really need to improve or if it's just imposter syndrome? Such a great question! Because it's true - imposter syndrome can straight up LIE to you and make you think that you need to improve in an area that's you're already just fine (or even great!) at. So how do you know?

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