On the Blog:

For those days you need extra motivation to Let Go Of Perfect and Create Your Own Rules For Life

Self-care, Finding Yourself, Inspiration Heather Whelpley Self-care, Finding Yourself, Inspiration Heather Whelpley

It’s time To Marie Kondo Your Life!

This is going to be fun! It's time to do some Marie Kondo-ing. And we're taking this way beyond your closet.

I invite you to think about how you can Marie Kondo your entire life. I've been doing this slowly over the past several years - and can I tell you how FREEING it is?

You can Marie Kondo your activities, decorations in your house, even relationships. It's okay to let go of things that are no longer you. Or that never were you - you only had them because of the "should" and "supposed-to" rules you've been taught.

You also get to ADD what DOES feel like you.

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Self-care, Inspiration Heather Whelpley Self-care, Inspiration Heather Whelpley

Three Ways To Reconnect To Yourself

So many things can take YOU away from YOU. There's the busy chaos of your day-to-day life. The voices of OTHER people rattling around in your head telling you what to do. The lying, imposter syndrome-inducing inner critic. The rules passed down to you that said you have to take care of everyone, be responsible for everything, and never, ever disappoint anyone. Any of that sound familiar?

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