It’s time To Marie Kondo Your Life!

This is going to be fun! It's time to do some Marie Kondo-ing.

And we're taking this way beyond your closet.

I invite you to think about how you can Marie Kondo your entire life.

I've been doing this slowly over the past several years - and can I tell you how FREEING it is?

When I packed up to move from Minnesota to Colorado, I looked at the one suit and four blazers I owned and thought, "I never want to wear these again. EVER."

I got rid of all but one blazer that I thought might be helpful to have from a practical warmth/layering perspective. And I STILL haven't worn it.

It felt AMAZING to know I'd never have to put on those blazers again. They were never me. They were just what I thought I was "supposed" to wear to be professional.

Done with that dumb rule! I can be professional and dress like myself at the same time.

You can Marie Kondo your activities, decorations in your house, even relationships. It's okay to let go of things that are no longer you. Or that never were you - you only had them because of the "should" and "supposed-to" rules you've been taught.

You also get to ADD what DOES feel like you.

There's no greater symbol of this for me than my hair.

I've wanted to be a redhead since I was seven years old.

Red hair always felt more me than the brown hair I'd been given. It matched my freckles and ivory white skin. Even more, red hair felt bold - and I wanted to be bold!

It's no surprise then, that my hair has gotten continually redder as I've stepped more into myself.

Every time I dyed my hair another shade redder, I felt like I was becoming more me.

Now I'm good. I have auburn hair that most people assume is my natural color. It dances in the light and turns to fire in the sun.

It's a visual representation of exactly who I am.

What do you need to take out and add into your life that aligns with who you are TODAY? Not the person you were ten years ago. Not the person you thought you were supposed to be.

YOU. Your full, true, most authentic self.

Take out. Add in.

Repeat whenever you want. Forever.

Do you feel disconnected from yourself and need a little help figuring out even what TO Marie Kondo in your life? Click on the button below to get 10 free journaling prompts to reconnect to yourself.


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