My Favorite Brené Brown Quotes
Sometimes I need a walk with a friend. Occasionally a hard spin class. Other times a nap. And then there are days I just need a little Brené Brown. I listen to an interview with Brené or I open my copy of Daring Greatly and she simultaneously hugs my heart and gives me a kick in the ass. Her words remind me to embrace vulnerability and feel deeply. She gives me the courage to again bring my full self forward into the world.
Here are a few of my favorite Brené Brown quotes set against photos I’ve taken over the past several years. I hope they also give you a hug and the push you need to move forward.
I took this photo of the sun rising behind Uluru from Kata Tjuta, nearly 30 miles away from the giant rock. I look at this photo now, almost 5 years later, and I relive the feeling of standing under a massive sky and watching the day begin. It is a reminder to let go and be at peace with myself and the world.
About halfway through my visit to the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit I realized that I could see the Seattle Space Needle reflected in Chihuly's art. I love that this photo is both clear and blurred. It's a little messy - just like vulnerability.
A long staircase down a sheer cliff kept most of the tourists from this glorious beach along Great Ocean Road in Australia. It feels expansive and free - a place you can easily live from your wild heart.
I was sitting on the roof of a boat watching the sunset in the Galápagos Islands when this bird soared overhead. He is definitely in the arena!
A magnificent sunset in one of my favorite countries - Slovenia. I feel a gentle sense of belonging and connection in the world watching this man fish at dusk.
These branches reflected in the sand at Lover's Key State Park in Florida are crisp and almost thorny, yet they are beautiful. They reminded me of the challenging emotions we need to embrace.
If you want to let go of proving, pleasing, and perfecting and reconnect to yourself, check out my book, An Overachiever’s Guide To Breaking The Rules: How To Let Go Of Perfect and Live Your Truth.