Three Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Return To “Normal”


I got my first Covid shot on Saturday and it felt like such a RELIEF. There were tears in my eyes as the woman injected the vaccine into my arm. I felt pure joy as I walked out the government center and into sun of the first 80-degree day of 2021 in Colorado.

We aren't out of the woods yet. News of rising numbers of Covid cases has definitely been a reality check for me. And even if you and your close friends and family members are all fully vaccinated, you're still dealing with the exhaustion and burnout from the entire last year.

But for the first time in a long time I can feel a forward momentum towards "normal."

Towards gathering together inside, towards shutting off Zoom for game nights and having game nights with real humans together in the same room, towards traveling and hugs and sitting shoulder to shoulder around a table sharing a meal and breathing the same air!

Over the past year I've seen a ton of social media posts questioning what "normal" we want to go back to - both individually and collectively.

If you haven't stopped to ask yourself that question, now is the time.

Here are three reflection questions to help you understand the NEW definition of normal you want to create:

  1. What do you want to keep with you from this past year?

  2. What are you truly, deeply excited about coming back into your life?

  3. What are your red flags to watch out for that signal you're getting overcommitted and/or not spending time on what's really most important to you?

I was interviewed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune for an article on this exact topic. The article also shares the stories of different women wanting to hold onto things from the past year, from maintaining a saner schedule to keeping leggings as a mainstay in your wardrobe (I'm all for that one!).

You are always in the process of designing your life. You can recreate and redesign over and over and over again. AND - right now there is a shift happening, both in your individual life and in our collective, global life. It’s never made more sense to pause and ask yourself what kind of life you want to create - and then to go live that life. On purpose.

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