The One Thing I Want You To Know

I'll admit - I've been holding out on this one.

There's one, big, huge message I want every single person to know.

And not just know, but truly deeply BELIEVE to the core of your being.

I also feel like it's the climax moment in Grounded Wildness and I didn't want to give it way before you read the book. I've hinted around it several times, but I was afraid you might not buy the book if I told you this message directly.

Then I decided I wanted you to hear this even if you never read Grounded Wildness.

Here it is --

If you've ever felt behind, not enough, too much, or like a part of you is broken, I want you to know this:

You were never broken.

The system is broken, not you.

The rules you were handed are broken, not you.

Any proving, pleasing, and perfecting you've ever done is driven by trying to live up to standards that were always broken.

Shame doesn’t come from you; it comes from the gap between this broken standard and your reality. It’s the distance between all the shoulds telling you how your body, gender, sexuality, skin color, hair, house, bank account, success, friends, family, vacations, performance review, salary, and a million other things are “supposed to” look versus how they actually look in your life.

Only, nothing was ever wrong with your body, gender, sexuality, skin color, hair, house, bank account, success, friends, family, vacations, performance review, or salary. Sure, we all have things to work on, but nothing was ever wrong with you.

You were never broken. The system is broken. The rules you were taught are broken.

Let that sink in.

FEEL IT. Deeply. Right now.

Do you see that you were always whole, complete, and enough?

Once you realize this, you can come back to yourself, separate from the rules you were taught, separate from the weight of “should” and “supposed to.”

You can stop performing and just BE.

This is freedom. This is power. This is what grounded wildness really is.

This was a life changing realization for me. It was immediate freedom.

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders, like, "Wait, I don't have to be ashamed of my body for the rest of my life? I don't have to prove my worth in other ways to make up for all the places I feel behind? I don't have quiet myself down to make myself more palatable? I can just LET THAT ALL GO?"

There's no going back once you know it's the rules that were broken, not you.

I still feel those rules sometimes. It's definitely not a perfect journey.

But it's a one-way door once you truly know your worth. It's a foundation you get to stand on forever.

That's what I want you to know, whether you read Grounded Wildness or not.

If you do want to read it, you can get signed, hardcover books and the journal on my website or the ebook, audiobook, and hardcover on Amazon.

No matter what, know it was always the rules that were broken, not you. You were always whole, complete, enough, and even downright radiant. Always.


Everything is True All At Once


Bring on the JOY!