The Message Every Woman Needs To Hear


Last Friday I laced up my hiking shoes, silenced my phone, and headed out for a short walk in the woods. Ten minutes into enjoying the sunshine and movement I was suddenly overcome with words I just HAD to write. I pulled out my phone and stood on the side of the trail writing line after line into my Evernote app. This is what came out. This is everything I want to say to my clients, to myself, and to all women everywhere. This is my message for you.


You are more than your job title and your latest performance review.

You are more than your pants size, dress size, and cup size.

You are more than being a mother - or not being a mother.

You are more than what anyone thinks you “should” be doing.


You don’t need permission, but if you want it, here you go.




You have permission to set boundaries.

You have permission to slow down. To breathe. To rest.

You have permission to wear the red dress and feel like you might be too much.

You have permission to take up space. To share your point of view. Loudly. With no question marks at the end.


You are allowed to cry.

You are allowed to be overwhelmed.

You are allowed to be mad, sad, livid, scared, and frustrated.

You are allowed to feel whatever feelings you are feeling.


You are also allowed be HAPPY.

You are allowed to experience delight. And pleasure. And ease.

You are allowed to bubble over with joy and laugh until your cheeks hurt.

You are allowed to stop wherever you are, look up at the sky, and overflow with the complete wonder of it all.


You don’t need to apologize for saying no to someone else.

You don’t need to feel guilty for saying yes to yourself.


You are bold, brave, and beautiful.

You are enough in every second of every day.

You are all you need to be.

Update November 2020: This blog post was originally written at the beginning of 2019. Before the pandemic. Before so many things about our world today. And yet, the words still stand. You are already all you need to be. Always.

It was also just before I started writing my book, An Overachiever’s Guide To Breaking The Rules: How To Let Go Of Perfect and Live Your Truth. Little did I know that these words would encapsulate the spirit and message of the entire book. I’ve found that so many times in my life - we already know our truth. We just have to start listening.


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