Force vs Flow

Do you feel like you're FORCING things in your work - or life as a whole?

Like everything you do has to be successful - and you're going to MAKE that happen no matter what?

I used to feel this way a lot. And it's not fun! It doesn't feel good to be constantly forcing.

It's like constantly swimming upstream, never giving yourself a rest in a quiet pool, let alone taking some time to swim WITH the current!

If this is you, I want to offer a different approach: FLOW.

Flow happens with the forcing stops and everything feels RIGHT. In ALIGNMENT.

I don't personally subscribe to the idea that when you are in flow, everything is easy or that amazing opportunities just continually drop in your lap. Obstacles can still exist in flow.

But there is a HUGE difference between the constant fight of forcing and being in flow with what you know is right for you.

Paying attention to force vs flow has been a big shift in my life, so I wanted to share it with you as well through a new short (less than 5 minutes) video.

This video is for you if you feel that forcing - or:

  • You feel like you have to prove you know enough or deserve to be in the job you're in

  • You're terrified of failure - or even making a mistake

  • You put a lot of pressure on yourself to make everything successful, from projects at work to family events

This video will share more about where this forcing comes from and how to recognize - and then choose - flow.

Watch it here:

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