A Different Way To Make Big Decisions - AKA, Why I Decided To Move To Colorado


Yesterday I moved to Colorado. I packed up my Honda Civic as full as humanly possible, left Minnesota at 6:45am and by 7:15pm I was in Colorado.

A single day's drive. And the beginning of an entirely new chapter of my life.

On paper, it didn't really make sense for me to move.

I had a GREAT life in Minnesota. I have amazing friends and family there. I'm part of a fantastic spiritual community. I have great business contacts.

There was no reason to LEAVE Minnesota.

But I moved to Colorado anyway.

Because it wasn't about LEAVING Minnesota.

It was about moving TO Colorado.

I moved because of possibility. And joy. And because I felt called into a different space.

And I know that when I'm being called by joy and possibility - and I actually follow that calling - that's when the best things in life happen.

So often we make big decisions in life because of pain and anger and sadness and bad situations that you need to LEAVE.

There is NOTHING wrong with that.

If you're in a bad job or a toxic relationship, use the pain as motivation to get out.

But pain isn't the only reason to make big decisions. You don't have to be in a bad situation to make a change.

You can also make a change because of what you're moving TOWARDS.

You can make a change because you feel like there's something else out there for you - in another place, another job, another house, another community.

I know many of you are in a space of redefining yourself. You're questioning what you really want in your career and life as a whole. You're thinking about how you want to show up in the world.

If you're feeling pain, use that pain to make a change.

I also urge you to consider joy. Consider possibility.

Listen to where you're being called. Follow your true inner voice. The goodness of life awaits you.


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