Knowing when to do less

Last week I pulled the plug on a plan I'd had for months.

And it felt AWESOME.

Sounds a little strange, right? To feel GOOD giving up something I thought I wanted to do?

Here's the backstory -

I had been planning to run Facebook ads starting this week the next launch of Beyond Perfect, my group coaching program for women to break free from overdoing, people-pleasing and perfectionism so they can live their truth.

The first round of the program kicked off in June and it's awesome! The participants inspire me every single day with how they are changing the rules of their lives. The women of Beyond Perfect are slowing down and taking chances and speaking up and knowing what they want - not what others want for them or what they are expected to do, but what THEY desire.

I want to get Beyond Perfect out to every woman that needs it - that's why I was going to do ads.

And then last week I decided to pull the plug on ads. I'm definitely still running the program again, but no ads.

So why would I make a decision against what I had planned - and that would also likely bring in less money to my business? Doesn't that seem completely and totally counterintuitive? Why WOULDN'T I want to grow the program right now?

I'll tell you why: Because my body told me no.

In the space of six weeks I am kicking off the pre-sale of my new book, re-launching Beyond Perfect, officially launching the book, and moving. To a whole different state.

My body told me that was enough.

And I've FINALLY, after many years of completely ignoring my body, learned to listen to it.

Here's how I really know it was the right decision: As soon as I said no, my entire body heaved a sigh of relief. I felt lighter. I felt free.

That's the wisdom of the body.

And that's how you know when it's time to do less. Your body will tell you.

You just have to listen.

And then give yourself permission to do what your body says. Especially when it tells you to slow down and take a breath.

If this is hard for you, you're not alone. I ran for years with a "work hard, play hard" mentality. I had fun, but I rarely slowed down and just let myself BE.

When I tried to slow my body down, my mind sped up telling me everything I should be doing at home and at work. Sometimes there was an actual physical discomfort slowing down, like my entire body was being pulled back to my to-do list.

Do you feel that, too?

If you're nodding your head right now, I want to invite you to read my book, An Overachiever’s Guide To Breaking The Rules: How To Let Go Of Perfect and Live Your Truth.

In the book you’ll uncover the REAL reasons why it's so hard to slow down, why you feel like you have to hustle all the time, and why you're overwhelmed and disconnected from yourself.

I'll tell you right now - it's not just because of everything going on in the world. Yes, the pandemic and fires and election and racial justice work all have weight, but they're all just additional layers of the weight you were already carrying.

We'll get to the true root cause and talk about how to let go of the constant overdoing and perfectionism so you can get off the hamster wheel and be FREE.

And isn’t that what we all want?


Keeping The Faith


Cyndi Lauper, platform shoes, and what REALLY makes you powerful